Friday, May 7, 2010

Updated Pics of Baby Kate in China

God has put a special angel in Yulin City, China!!  I have been in contact with a young Yulin University student who volunteers with a non-profit in Yulin City that trains orphanage workers in the care of special needs children. The organization is called the Mooncake Foundation and I happened upon their website while researching Yulin City online. They have posted pictures of their "mooncakes"...the babies that they help care for in the Yulin City CWI (Children's Welfare Institute.)  As I was looking through the photos, I thought I recognized Kate.  I emailed to inquire about the photo and sure enough it was our baby Kate!! 
This sweet Mooncake Volunteer, named Dan, visited Kate's orphanage yesterday and emailed me these pictures of our baby last night!  I am so surprised to see that her lip has been repaired and she is even more beautiful than we already thought she was!
She looks great and happy. 
Even laughing in one of the photos. 
Truly so sweet!
This is the email that I received with the photos.

Hi Sally,
How are you doing?
I went to the CWI yesterday. There's some information to your questions.
Jingmei has did the surgery with her lip, but she haven't got the surgery on her palate. She eat a lot. She is not old enough to eat yet, so she only have milk and ground rice congee. She weigh 10kg (22 lbs). She is about 76centneter (28 in) tall.
She can't walk yet. She can't even stand by herself, but she can stand with the help of the fence of her bed.
She's a very shy girl. Her nanny told me she will cry when she ever see a stranger.
She likes to play with a girl named Yu Jingli. The nanny said maybe because they are from the same foster family.
Jingmei has very long eyelash. In China we have a saying  "one who has long eyelash are always very stubborn."
I don't know if it's true,  you can found out that by yourself when you meet her. :-)
I will tell the nannies about your package when I visit there next time.
There's some picture of Jingmei in the attachment . Enjoy!
Zhang Dan

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